September 2 photos

Jonaotaro Onadera and Hirokatsu Uno (JAMSTEC) using a bit of bait for their fishing trip. (Steve Lambert, WHOI)
Trolling for a mooring.  Even with 2 km of wire out and a bunch of hooks at the end of it, we still couldn't locate the lost mooring. (Steve Lambert, WHOI)
Seaman Vince Mullett and Jim Dunn (WHOI) keep watch on the line. (Steve Lambert, WHOI)
Electrical Officer Steve Tucker repairs one of the ship's large cranes. (Photo by Gary Morgan)
Seaman Tyler Short as Patrick. (Steve Lambert, WHOI)
Heather Stark as Sponge Bob. (Steve Lambert, WHOI)
Sarah Zimmermann as an octopus. (Steve Lambert, WHOI)
Captain McNeill as a shark and Alice Orlich as an angler fish.  Alice won best costume. (Steve Lambert, WHOI)
Steward Debbie Hibbs collects a token of good will for Margaret Lamontagne (aka Queen Neptune). (Steve Lambert, WHOI)
We have had some good weather lately and got to see the full moon this morning. (Steve Lambert, WHOI)

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