September 23 Photos

(From left to right) Yusuke Ogiwara, Daniel Sauve, Caroline Wiley, Melissa Schwab, and June Marion on deck and ready for action. (Joey Wenig)
Mike Dempsey signals to the winch operator as the CTD/rosette cast begins. (Joey Wenig)
The CTD/rosette sits about 10 meters below the surface, acclimatizing to the water, before beginning its descent. (Joey Wenig)
Yusuke Ogiwara and Sarah Zimmerman in the CTD/rosette control room. (Joey Wenig)
With the CTD/rosette back on deck, the sampling begins. (Joey Wenig)
My constant companion for the next five days, looking none too pleased about the whole situation. (Joey Wenig)
Engineer Donald MacLeod, wearing every layer available. (Joey Wenig)
The aftermath of the layering competition in the Forward Lounge. (Joey Wenig)
Jeff O'Brien, wearer of an unequalled eighteen layers of clothing, shown here working on an ITP unit earlier in the day. (Joey Wenig)

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