October 8 Photos

I did a video interview of Edmand Fok, the science team’s onboard IT professional who loves being on the icebreaker and has been on almost all former JOIS trips in the Arctic. (Peter Lourie)
Edmand in the rosette control shack tripping the bottles for sample collection at just the right salinity composition. (Peter Lourie)
Cory, Chris and Jeff of the Mooring team hook up Michiyo’s sample bottles that she has emptied and cleaned and made ready for this moment 24 hours after she got them back.  Now they are lifted out of the hold and attached to the mooring just below the upper yellow sphere for another year’s sampling.  Next JOIS expedition, they will be retrieved again. (Peter Lourie)
Michiyo making one last check of her instruments before they are plunked into the amazingly calm Beaufort.  Today the sun came out. (Peter Lourie)
Extremely calm, warm and clear day.  Rick explained just how unusual this was. (Peter Lourie)
And this year’s instruments went down for another year, tethered to thousands of meters of line anchored to the floor of the Beaufort. (Peter Lourie)
Looking out over the bow at the cloud bank that looks like land. (Peter Lourie)

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