Septermber 25th Photos

1. Our location.
2. Deck lights. Wind driven snow in the deck lights during a CTD rosette cast. (David Jones)
3. CTD Rosette night ops 1. Glenn Cooper DFO-IOS rolls the CTD rosette on deck for a night time cast. (David Jones)
4. CTD Rosette night decent. The CTD rosette being lowered in the darkness during a snow flurry. (David Jones)
5. CTD Rosette night ops 2. Dave Pike, Quartermaster on the CCGS Louis S. St. Laurent operates the winch during a snowy nighttime CTD rosette cast. (David Jones)
6. The Rosette Shack. Glenn Cooper (DFO-IOS) and Celine Gueguen (Trent University) work on labeling sample bottles during a nighttime CTD rosette cast. (David Jones)
7. Mystery Substance. A mystery substance found on the deck of the CCGS Louis S. St. Laurent. What is it?? (David Jones)
8. Data Processing. The CTD Crew works on entering and processing data for the CTD Rosette program of JOIS 2017. (David Jones)
9. Rosette Program Overview. The JOIS 2017 CTD Rosette Program Overview. (Courtesy of Bill Williams DFO-IOS)
10. Samples taken from the Rosette (Courtesy of Bill Williams DFO-IOS)
11. Rosette Sampling Matrix (Prepared by David Jones)
12. McLane Moored Profiler (MMP) and mooring diagram showing locations of different instruments. MMPs traverse the mooring tether acquiring profiles of water temperature, salinity and velocity between 40-50 and ~2050 m every other day, with each profile in a pair separated by ~6 hours. (Prepared by Andrey Proshutinsky and Rick Krishfield)
13. Ocean velocity profiles acquired by the MMP on Mooring B during one year of measurements. Increased currents (ocean eddies) are observed frequently at all depths. (Prepared by Andrey Proshutinsky and Rick Krishfield)

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