September 28th Photos

1. Our Location.
2. A rare Ivory Gull off the deck of the Loius S. St. Laurent. (Gary Morgan)
3. A rare Ivory Gull off the deck of the Loius S. St. Laurent. (Gary Morgan)
4. The Louis S. St Laurent drifting in preparation for a CTD rosette cast. (David Jones)
5. Before and After. The shrunken cups surrounding an un-shrunken cup for a size comparison. (David Jones)
6. Everybody watches Jeff O'Brien (WHOI) work on the last mooring of JOIS 2017. (David Jones)
7. A subsurface look at a CTD rosette cast happening off of the Louis S. St. Laurent. (David Jones)
8. The Louis S. St. Laurent screws in action. (David Jones)
9. The Louis S. St. Laurent port side screw at rest. (David Jones)
10. Deployment of sediment trap. McLane PARFLUX sediment traps mooring collect particles falling through the water column using a 0.5 m2 cone.  The material is collected into 21 sample cups, each situated below the opening for 16 days. After recovery, all samples are analyzed at a WHOI laboratory. (Rick Krishfield)
11. Some interesting results of sediment traps analysis in 2004-2005 which are discussed in today’s blog. (Courtesy of Steve Manganini)

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