September 23rd Photos

The ITP bobs between ice floes after spending just over a year in the Arctic. (Gary Morgan)
Using GPS coordinates given by the ITP itself, the ship had no trouble putting us on its location. (Fred Marin)
The image of the frosty ITP is almost surreal in the clear blue Arctic waters. (Gary Morgan)
Fred Marin (WHOI) and Cory Beatty (University of Montana) are lowered down to the ITP to connect it to the crane cable.” (Gary Morgan)
The ITP is connected and hauled back towards the ship. (Gary Morgan)
Jeff O’Brien (WHOI) Ricardo Amamio (CCG) receive the surface buoy as it is brought on deck. (Gary Morgan)
A Polar bear clawed and chewed at the buoy! (Gary Morgan)
Cory Beatty (University of Montana) cleans the SAMI-CO2 of saltwater after the instrument spend a year in the Arctic and collected over 17,000 pCO2 measurements. (Gary Morgan)
A capstan is used to bring the 800m of cable tether onboard where it is then coiled by hand. (Gary Morgan)
It takes a while to haul 800m of wire onboard, and Jeff O’Brien, Cory Beatty, and Ricardo Amamio keep watch for the end to surface. (Gary Morgan)
Finally, the profiler and its string of anchors are out of the water! (Gary Morgan)
Jeff O’Brien (WHOI) and Ricardo Amamio (CCG) receive the ITP on deck. (Gary Morgan)
Jeff O’Brien (WHOI), Ricardo Amamio (CCG), Fred Marin (WHOI), and Cory Beatty (University of Montana remove the profiler from it cable. (Gary Morgan)
An impressive “ice bow” arcs clear across the sky. (Gary Morgan)

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