September 30th Photos

Christopher Clarke (IOS), on night watch wheels the CTD-rosette out of its shack. (Fred Marin)
Nicolas Sylvestre (Universite de Sherbrooke), writes down temperature data. (Fred Marin)
Each Niskin Bottle is checked to ensure its temperature matches the data collected by the CTD during the cast. (Fred Marin)
Water samples for Dissolved Oxygen are immediately preserved using these two chemicals. (Fred Marin)
Mashahiro “Mash” Saito, a student from the Kitami Institute of Technology collected water samples. (Fred Marin)
Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai (TUMSAT) works the night shift processing Alkalinity samples. (Fred Marin)
Edmand Fok (IOS) processes Chlorophyll samples using a filtration system. (Fred Marin)

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