September 28 slideshow

The basket containing Kris Newhall and Seaman Dan MacLean is lowered to secure to the surface buoyancy sphere which has surfaced amongst the pancake ice after spending the previous year collecting data beneath the ice pack.
(Rick Krishfield)
Kris signals the winch operator to hoist the sphere on deck. In the top center of the buoy is the Upward Looking Sonar instrument which collects data on the ice thickness above the mooring location every 2 seconds during the deployment.
(Rick Krishfield)
The main instrument on the mooring is the McLane Moored Profiler (MMP) which collects profiles of seawater temperature, salinity and velocity between 50 and 2000 m twice every 2 days. Kris and Bosun Derrick Walsh work the rail to bring the instrument onboard.
(Rick Krishfield)
Jim Dunn, Cadet Julie Patrick and Seaman Bill May operate the spooler to haul in the 3800 m of mooring wire early in the deployment.
(Rick Krishfield)
Later in the deployment, the conditions are a bit more challenging.
(Rick Krishfield)
A Yale grip is applied to the mooring wire by Jim and Kris to secure it while a full spool is exchanged with an empty spool to haul in more wire.
(Rick Krishfield)

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