October 11 slideshow

A beautiful sunrise greets us on the morning of our last mooring operation. (Rick Krishfield)
New wire rope, floats with new chain, and a refurbished top float are lifted on deck by Wayne Austin and Kris Newhall. (Rick Krishfield)
Meanwhile, the deck crew tackles the floats on deck, attaching shackles and sling links to prepare them for going over the side. (Rick Krishfield)
Anchor over begins the mooring operation. (Rick Krishfield)
Seaman Justin Dalley and Jim Dunn remove the end of a shot of wire rope from one spool in preparation for the rolling in the next spool.
(Rick Krishfield)
A study of the deeper seawater layers uses multiple clamp on devices on the wire at discrete depths to obtain temperature and salinity timeseries. An advantage of these to the MMP is that these devices can obtain measurements more rapidly, and if one fails, data is still obtained from the other devices. On the other hand, a great disadvantage is that you do not obtain data from the full water column, but only discrete points separated by 20 m or more in this application.
(Rick Krishfield)
An Aanderaa current meter is attached in the mooring line by Kris Newhall and Dan MacLean.
(Rick Krishfield)
As the mooring concludes, the sun creates a beautiful silhouette of the Louis over a flat sheet of brand new ice.
(Rick Krishfield)

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