August 4 photos

Officer Cadet Jimmy Maung on the bridge watching the helicopter flying reconnaissance. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Kunio Shirasawa (right, Hokkaido University) and Kazu Tateyama (KIT) carry out an electromagnetic survey on the ice (see Dispatch 4). (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
A motorized auger is used to drill the hole for ITP 53. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Seaman Allan Snow stands polar bear watch beside the ITP surface float. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Kelly Young (IOS) measures ice thickness after drilling a hole using a Dewalt drill with a flight (helical screw). (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
John Kemp (left) and Jeff Pietro use the portable winch and tripod to lower the ITP bottom weight into the augered hole. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Alice Orlich and Michiyo Kawai taking an ice-core sample. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Alice Orlich (UAF) pulls the ice corer out of the ice (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Michiyo Kawai (TUMSAT) and Alice Orlich (UAF) remove the ice from the corer. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Alice and Michiyo cut the ice core into 10 cm sections. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Jeff Pietro (WHOI) ready to deploy the profiling unit of the ITP system. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Jeff Pietro and Gary Morgan assemble the ITP. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Kazu Tateyama (KIT) measures melt-pond depth for validation of his measurements with a portable electromagnetic sensor. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Rick Krishfield connects his laptop to the surface unit to verify the instrument is functioning properly – a final step before packing up and going back to the ship. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Seaman Allan Snow stands bear watch with the rifle. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Steve Lambert (WHOI) takes a break from ITP work to taste the delicious distilled melt-pond water.
(Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Gary Morgan stands by for the helicopter to collect the portable winch and sling it back to the ship after the deployment. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Steve Lambert, Gary Morgan, John Kemp, Rick Krishfield and Jeff Pietro (from left to right) stand by ITP 53 after the deployment. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)

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