August 10 photos

Mike Dempsey (IOS, left) and Baptiste Marcere (Trent U.) deploy the CTD/Rosette. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Edmand Fok (IOS) operating the CTD acquisition system. When the CTD/Rosette is at certain depths in the water column, Edmand closes (or “trips”) bottles on the Rosette via an electronic command issued from the data acquisition computer. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Baptist Marcere (Trent U.) stands watch at the CTD/Rosette winch. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Leading Seaman Vince Mullett operates the CTD/Rosette winch. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Peter Lavrentyev (U. Akron) changes the sample in his incubator on the foredeck. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
A pteropod Clione limacina (“sea angel”) captured in the plankton net. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Jennifer Putland (U. Akron) preserves seawater samples for flow-cytometry analysis in the lab back home. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)
Kelly Young (IOS) collects copepods for incubation experiments to measure grazing rates on phytoplankton and microzooplankton. Special thanks to Cook Daryl Tobin for the turkey baster which turns out to be an efficient copepod capturing mechanism. (Mary-Louise Timmermans)

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