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Rob Reves-Sohn An Associate Scientist in the WHOI Geology and Geophysics Department, Sohn is a geophysicist and marine seismologist and will serve as the chief scientist for the Gakkel Ridge expedition. He earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue University and a doctorate in oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. He wrote: "The notion of using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to get under the Arctic ice pack came to him while playing with a Sesame Street submarine and giving his (then) newborn (now 8-year-old) daughter a bath." Read an article Rob wrote about Arctic exploration >> Read a Q&A with Rob for museums and students >> Read a news release about Rob's recent seismic work >> Susan Humphris Humphris is a WHOI Senior Scientist and chair of Geology and Geophysics Department. From 2000-2004, she served as the first director of the WHOI Deep Ocean Exploration Institute. She is also one of the creators of the Dive and Discover education web site, which will be following the Gakkel expedition with daily updates. Humphris is a geochemist who specializes in the geology and chemical composition of hydrothermal vents, and she is a veteran of many seafloor visits in the Alvin submersible. She earned a bachelor's degree in environmental science from the University of Lancaster, and she earned her doctorate in chemical oceangraphy from the MIT/WHOI Joint Program. Read an interview with Susan >> Read a Q&A with Susan for museums and students >> Read an article Susan wrote about the challenges of deep-sea exploration >> Read an article Susan wrote about the structure of vents >> Henrietta Edmonds Hedy Edmonds is a marine geochemist at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute and a 1997 graduate of the MIT/WHOI joint graduate program. She will lead the water column chemistry program on the Gakkel Ridge expedition, using conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) instruments to locate the hydrothermal plumes and guide AUV deployments. Edmonds sailed on the 2001 AMORE expedition that first found evidence of hydrothermal vents in the Arctic. Visit Hedy's home page >> Read a Q&A with Hedy for museums and students >> Read a press release about Hedy's previous Gakkel Ridge expedition >> Tim Shank An associate scientist in the Biology Department of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Shank is the lead biologist on the Gakkel Ridge expedition. He specializes in the ecology and evolutionary genetics of hydrothermal vent creatures. He earned bachelor's and doctoral degrees at the University of North Carolina and Rutgers University, respectively. Learn more about Tim's laboratory and colleagues >> Read Tim's article about seafloor vent life >> Read more about Tim's interesting January 2007 phone call >> Read a Q&A with Tim for museums and students >> Read a profile of Tim >> Hanumant Singh Hanu is an associate scientist in the WHOI Department of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering. He developed and led construction of the Puma and Jaguar autonomous underwater vehicles, as well as the Camera Sampler (Camper). He will serve as lead engineer on the Gakkel Ridge expedition. He earned degrees in computer science and electrical engineering from George Mason University, while completing his doctorate in the MIT/WHOI graduate program. Visit Hanu's research web site >> Read a Q&A with Hanu for museums and students >> Read a news release about one of Hanu's vehicles >> Peter Winsor Peter is an assistant scientist in the Department of Physical Oceanography at WHOI, and a frequent visitor to the Arctic for research, where he studies ocean circulation and its implications for climate. Winsor earned his master's and doctoral degrees in oceanography from Goteborg University in Sweden. Visit Peter's research web page >> Read a Q&A with Peter for museums and students >> View a slideshow from one of Peter's previous Arctic trips >> Read an article about Peter's Arctic circulation studies >> Last updated: October 26, 2010 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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