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Pressure Test Facility


WHOI maintains a facility in Woods Hole village with three vessels for external pressure testing of scientific and engineering equipment. A high pressure outlet is also available for internal testing. The medium is fresh water at room temperature. Destructive testing of implodable items (e.g., glass spheres) is not permitted. Overhead electric hoists are positioned to assist in loading/unloading the vessels.

The smaller test chamber measures 8-11/16 inches in diameter by 34 inches long, tapering to 3-3/8 inches in diameter for a total depth of 48 inches. The largest can accommodate instruments up to 24 inches in diameter and is 96 inches long. Our newest vessel, PV4, is 10 inches in diameter by 36 inches long.  Various electrical penetrations are available in all pressure vessels.  Acoustic emmisions may be measured in PV3 and PV4.

Tests to 10,200 psi may be conducted in the small chamber, while the larger ones are capable of 20,000 psi tests.

Contact Christopher Griner at or for more information.