1. Standing watch. A trained crew member keeps a careful eye on the horizon for polar bears. (Rachel Fletcher) |
2. Rescue swimmers, BM3 Patrick Kimmel (left) and IT1 Miguel Uribarri (right), check for at least 18" of ice, on the chosen ice floe, for the safety of both the Met station and for soon-to-be visitors. (Rachel Fletcher) |
3. Technicians get a view-full while rescue swimmers check for safety on the ice floe below. (Rachel Fletcher) |
4. MST1 Horace Brittle, MST2 Daniel Jarrett and John Kemp discuss their next step. (Rachel Fletcher) |
5. Rescue swimmers, wearing their dry suits, continue to map out a safe area on the ice floe. (Rachel Fletcher) |
6. IT1 Miguel Uribarri and John Kemp are among the first on the ice to identify the correct spot for the Met station's home. (Rachel Fletcher) |
7. John Kemp, Frank Bahr, MST2 Daniel Jarrett and writer Dallas Murphy install the Met Station while Ben Harden documents their efforts. (Rachel Fletcher) |
8. John Kemp surveys the MET station location. (Rachel Fletcher) |
9. WHOI technician Frank Bahr brings the MET station to life while MST2 Daniel Jarrett looks on. (Rachel Fletcher) |
10. Bear patrol in the A-Frame at the stern of the Healy. (Rachel Fletcher) |