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Nereus Specifications


Technical specifications

Weight on land: 2,800 kg
Payload capacity: 45 kg
Maximum speed: 3 knots
Batteries: rechargable lithium ion, 15 kilowatt hours in two pressure housings
Thrusters: 2 fore and aft, 2 vertical, 1 lateral (ROV mode)
2 fore and aft, 1 vertical (AUV mode)
Lights: variable output LED array, strobes
Manipulator arm:  Kraft TeleRobotics 7-function hydraulic manipulator
Sonar: scanning sonar, forward look and profile, 675 KHz
Sensors: magnetometer, CTD (to measure conductivity, temperature, and depth)

Nereus will support a variety of science operations

Push coring:  Push cores allow collection of relatively undisturbed sediment from the seafloor for a record of sedimentation over time. Nereus offers standard coring devices.

Measuring heat flow: 
The measurement of heat flow records the amount of heat emerging from Earth's interior. A heat-flow probe is available for controlled pushing into seafloor sediment by the vehicle's manipulator arm. 

Geotechnical and geochemical sensing:  Sensors measure pore pressure in sediments, fluid properties at various temperatures, and basic chemistry in the ocean.

Rock sampling and drilling:  Rocks collected from the seafloor help scientists understand how Earth was formed. Nereus  samples rocks of various mineralogic composition and grain size. New, small-scale drilling tools might be adapted for use on Nereus.

Biological samplingNereus supports the use of small suction samplers, nets, and the traditional "bio" boxes for sample storage and recovery of deep-sea organisms.

Water samplingNereus offers both hot and cold water sampling while monitoring the temperature of these fluids in real-time. 

High resolution acoustic bathymetry
Nereus can be used for making seafloor maps and locating target sites for sampling or experiments.

Optical still and video imagery:  Detailed photographs and videos of the seafloor provide a record of features and processes.

Nereus basic design philosophy

  • Build on previous experience when possible.
  • Identify risks and aggressively address early in the project.
  • Integrate into ongoing National Deep Submergence Facility (NDSF) operational and WHOI technology developments.
  • Limit operational team support to five people.
  • Minimize weight and power to keep core system to two 20-foot shipping containers.