| 1: It's the ship! The trip to Kugluktuk and to the Louis St-Laurent. |
 | 2: Underway Setting up the labs and getting acclimated with the ship. Today was also the first fire and boat drill. |
 | 3: Where is My Room? It's easy to get lost on the Louis! |
 | 4: Who Is In Charge Here? Introducing the Captain and the chief scientists for our expedition in the Beaufort Sea. |
 | 5: Polar Bear on the Starboard Side Today we saw the first polar bear of this cruise. |
 | 6: CTD Rosette One of the most important tool in Oceanography is the CTD rosette. |
 | 7: Small Boat Today a few of us left the ship for a little while, to go take a few measurements from a small boat. |
 | 8: Barrow, Alaska We stopped just off Barrow, Alaska, for a transfer and to get supplies. |
 | 9: Filtering, Filtering Looking at the turbidity of the water and what kind of particles are suspended. |
 | 10: Looking for ITP-1 In 2005, an ice-tethered profiler was deployed on a big ice floe that we called "Camp Smiley". Today we located it. |
 | 11: Recovery of Mooring A The first mooring has been recovered. It was a smooth recovery. Unfortunately we could not find again ITP-1 to bring it home. |
 | 12: Beautiful Day The zodiac went in the water to deploy an Expendable Current Profiler, collect ice samples, and do a series of upper ocean CTD profiles. |
 | 13: Recovery of ITP-1 Busy day for the WHOI group. This was the first recovery of an ice-tethered profiler, immediately followed by the deployment of Mooring A. |
 | 14: Drifting How far can a bottle tossed in the Arctic Ocean can go? This summer, students from all over Canada are contributing to drift bottle projects. |
 | 15: From A to B In the Arctic you quickly learn that shortest way is not always the straight line. |
 | 16: The Base of the Food Chain It would seem that there is not much life in the Arctic. However, there are tons of living organisms in the water column. The smallest ones, the phytoplankton, are the base of the food chain. |
 | 17: Camp Zebra The deployment of an Ice Based Observatory, three buoys measuring ice, ice-ocean interface, and upper ocean. |
 | 18: Icy Work Jennifer Hutchings and Alice Orlich, of University of Alaska, Fairbanks, spend a lot of time staring at the ice. |
 | 19: Floats - Second IBO The deployment of the second Ice Based Observatory, and recovery of ITP-4. |
 | 20: Pirate Party! Sometimes it's important to take a little break, especially with the heavy schedule we're been keeping. |
 | 21: Prince Patrick Line We are completing a CTD line towards Prince Patrick, which had never been sampled before. These are essential to better understand the impacts of shelf processes in the Arctic. |
 | 22: Broader Impacts I am not the only one trying to report on our activities... We also have a media crew from Japan on board. |
 | 23: Last Mooring Recovery! Today we recovered the last of the four WHOI moorings. |
 | 24: Deep Canada Basin For many of us, the deepest waters are the most interesting ones! |
 | 25: CSI: Arctic A description of the measurements of radioactive isotopes we are doing during this expedition. |
 | 26: Can't Stop! Having the ability to measure the water properties without stopping the ship is a great advantage. |
 | 27: Monsters of the Arctic Seas Some of the zoolankton we capture in the nets are voracious creatures. |
 | 28: CABOS Mooring The end of the 2007 mooring operations. |
 | 29: Phytoplankton Productivity A description of the studies on phytoplankton productivity that have been carried on during this cruise. |
 | 30: Cruise Summary The 2007 Expedition in the Beaufort Gyre is now over! The cruise was a complete success. |