| 1: Return to the Ice The science party arrives in Cambridge Bay, ready to spend the next 35 days at sea. |
 | 2: Aboard the Louis S. St.-Laurent Scientists and crew board the Louis. |
 | 3: Safety First! Getting off the ship is just as important as getting on. |
 | 4: Captains and Chiefs The Captain and Chief Scientists keep the icebreaker, and the science plan, moving forward and on track. |
 | 8: All Hands Help Out Science depends on cooperation and collaboration. When you're at sea on an icebreaker for a month, everyone helps out. |
 | 5: Practicing for the Real Thing Practice makes perfect. |
 | 6: Beautiful and Unusual Things The Arctic Ocean has many unique optical effects, including fogbows, cloudbows and sea dogs. |
 | 7: Bongo Bingo Taking a dip in the Arctic Ocean. If you want to see what lives in the ocean, you cast a net, bring it in and look inside to see what you caught. In the Arctic, we use Bongo nets to fish for marine life. |
 | 9: An Ocean Water Sandwich It's all about the water. Arctic Ocean water has many layers, just like a sandwich. |
 | 10: The Engine Room Tour We can fix anything except a broken heart. |
 | 11: Recovering a Mooring What comes out... |
 | 12: Mooring Deployment Must go back in... |
 | 13: Furthest West A day of most, first, biggest and furthest. |
 | 14: Ice Recon in the Helo What is the best way to find out what is ahead? |
 | 15: Gniroom a Gnirevocer Chance favors the prepared. The science party and crew are prepared for any unexpected challenges that the Arctic Ocean may deliver. |
 | 16: Routines We get up every morning to a familiar routine. |
 | 17: Deploying an ITP? Out on the ice? We leave the safety of the ship to deploy instruments on the pack ice. |
 | 18: Deploying an ITP! Engineers deployed an Ice-Tethered Profiler at Ice Camp Louis. |
 | 19: Ice Sampling How do you measure the depth of the ice? |
 | 20: Furthest North Greetings from 83N, 150W, our furthest north point on this expedition. |
 | 21: The Galley The Ship's Mum keeps us all fed. |
 | 22: Have You Ever Wondered? Your questions about the Louis are answered. |
 | 23: Ice-Based Observatory Today was Mega Buoy day, meaning that 4 buoys were deployed on one ice floe, creating an Ice-Based Observatory (IBO). |
 | 24: The How and Why of the CTD The CTD is one of the most commonly used instruments in oceanography. CTD stands for the things that this instrument measures: Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth. |
 | 25: Hands on Deck This dispatch is a tribute to the awesome LSSL Deck Crew. |
 | 26: X-CTD Because the parameters of conductivity, temperature and depth are so important in oceanographic study, scientists are constantly testing ways to measure it more frequently and more accurately. One interesting technique uses the X-CTD. |
 | 27: Last Ice Camp What is it like to be on an ice floe in the Arctic Ocean? |
 | 28: Here Comes the Sun All about albedo. Sunlight in the Arctic has an important contribution to the Earth's energy budget. Even though it receives low angle sun for only about half a year, the Arctic plays an important role in reflecting the sun's radiation. |
 | 29: Mapping the Arctic Water Column The WHOI mooring crew is deploying its last mooring. The key instrument on the mooring is the McLane Moored Profiler (MMP). |
 | 30: Steaming South After finishing up station work at 72.36N, 144.42W, the LSSL began a 16-hour 293 km steam south to meet a refueling barge. |
 | 31: The Crow's Nest We are currently anchored at 69.50N, 133.12W waiting for a fuel barge. It is calm with broken clouds, a perfect time to go up top to the Crows Nest. |
 | 32: Refueling We take on approximately 2 million liters of fuel. |
 | 33: Last Ice After taking on fuel we are steaming to our last set of stations at 72N, 133W. This route will be through the last ice of the cruise. |
 | 34: Good-bye to Ship Life We have finished work at the last science station. We are going home. |