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Dispatch 28: Photos by Sarah

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Rick Krishfield

October 12, 2010

As we head east, finishing up the last section of CTDs leading up to Banks Island, there is a cheerful spirit amongst the scientists onboard knowing that we will soon be going home (the officers and crew of the Louis still will have two more weeks onboard after we leave). There is the excitement with knowing that despite the difficulties with fueling and the late season weather, we will have accomplished most of our goals. But there is also a feeling of sadness knowing that this wonderful journey will be coming to an end.

While the mooring group packs up and catches up on documenting our work, the other scientists, officers, and crew continue to be busy with their work. But to stir up the routine, tonight we were treated to a "Pub Night" with a special group of servers working the mess and serving us pizza, chicken wings, and nachos. The following pictures of events were provided by Sarah Zimmermann.

Last updated: October 7, 2019

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